9 Important Signs Of Gluten-Sensitive

Do you know what is gluten sensitivity? Wheat, rye, triticale, and barley contain a protein that is termed as gluten. Durum, spelled and all kinds of wheat contain gluten. Gluten is also found in many daily use products, such as bread and pasta. Gluten may be problematic for those with celiac disease or without any disease. Gluten may cause full-body chronic damage and hence it is known as a silent killer.
9 Important Signs Of Gluten-Sensitive
9 Important Signs Of Gluten-Sensitive
Many of us don’t know about gluten consumption consequences. Hence, it is very important to check whether your body is gluten tolerant or not.

1: Gastrointestinal tract problems
2: Unexplained weight variations
3: Hormonal Imbalance
4: Central nervous system problems
5: Nails and skin problems
7: Poor oral health
8: Iron deficiency anemia
9: Autoimmune diseases

1: Gastrointestinal tract problems
Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain are some of the problems that are associated with gluten intolerance. Many of the patients are wrongly diagnosed to have irritable bowel syndrome. According to studies, a large number of the world population is suffering from IBS. This affected no comprise of 10-15% of the world’s population. But there are many of the patients who continue to suffer from gluten sensitivity due to this kind of false and wrong diagnosis and they don’t get proper treatment.

2: Unexplained weight variations
Gluten intolerance may cause weight loss or weight gain. This happens due to inflammation at the cellular level, which is caused by gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance may also cause metabolic disorders that result in unexplained weight variations. You may have some other diseases if you are experiencing weight variations but gluten intolerance should also be considered if you are experiencing symptoms of malabsorption.

3: Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal disorders and gluten intolerance are directly related to each other. This may result in irregular menstrual cycle problems or some other problems, such as sleep disorders, PMS, or weight fluctuations. Gluten intolerance may cause severe hormonal problems during pregnancy, menopause, and puberty. Remember that these symptoms appear among women.

4: Central nervous system problems
The intestine has permeability property and it may get disturbed by gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance may also boost inflammation. These problems may cause anxiety, depression, concentration, fatigue, and insomnia. Irritability, poor concentration, and losing train of thought are also related to gluten intolerance problems.

Some studies show that people who are gluten intolerant are more prostate to migraines as compared to other people. There are many different reasons for headaches but a man who is allergic to gluten may experience headaches for 30-60 minutes after having a meal.

5: Nails and skin problems
Gluten intolerance also causes herpetiform dermatitis and hair keratosis. You may have symptoms like itches and rashes on your hands, elbows, face, torso, buttocks, or hairline. Gluten intolerance may also cause different nail problems like brittle and weakened nails. Some of the skin irritations are also caused by gluten-induced blockages, such as mimic eczema.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is another problem that is associated with gluten intolerance. This disorder manifest in both adults as well as children. People who are gluten intolerant and have ADHD may experience a short span of attention and self-control problems. Symptoms of ADHD can be reduced by consuming a gluten-free diet.

7: Poor oral health
Intestine impairment is yet another problem related to gluten intolerance. This may result in disturbed absorption of important minerals and elements. Calcium is an important element and its absorption in the body also gets disturbed. This disturbed calcium absorption may result in poor teeth health and oral cavity problems. Enamel may show hypersensitivity or tooth decay may occur due to this problem. If you take care of your teeth properly, but you have continued problems with them, this could be due to your gluten consumption.

8: Iron deficiency anemia
This is observed that iron deficiency anemia may result in Celiac disease. Shortness of breath, headaches, pallor of the skin, reduced blood volume, arthritis, and mucous membranes are the symptoms of this problem. We are able to badly digest iron but gluten intolerance may result in impairment of iron absorption.

9: Autoimmune diseases
It is observed that a majority of patients with the autoimmune disease also have gluten intolerance problem as well. Celiac disease is a disease that is caused by a problem in the immune system. There is a problem that causes the immune system to attack the intestine if there is gluten present in it. This is a very serious problem because this disease may result to develop other autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, autoimmune liver disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, vitiligo, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treating gluten sensitivity
You have to get tested. There are some antibodies that are present in the patient’s blood who is suffering from Celiac disease. You have to give a blood sample and before this, you have to consume gluten to get accurate results. You have to remove gluten from your diet if you are gluten sensitive. Following products include gluten:
  1. Bulgur;
  2. Rye;
  3. Flour;
  4. Wheat;
  5. Semolina;

And some other food products. If you are gluten sensitive then you have to see the composition of products that you consume. You should use products that label “gluten-free”.
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