Ear reflexology can be used as an alternate cure for the pain that aims the pressure points in the ear. If the pressure is put on the specific area of the ear, the particular part of the body will be targeted by it, reducing it and releasing pain.
Place A Clothpin On Different Parts Of Your Ear |
Our ears have pressure points that stimulate areas of our body just like reflexology for our hands and feet. There are six pressure points in our ear, each of which connects to a certain body part, according to ear (auricular) reflexology. Minor aches or pain can be created by applying pressure with our fingers. Apply pressure for a minute on the ear points to do so.
Definitely, the purpose of these techniques is to get relief from pain, but in case you experience severe pain or long-lasting pain, then visiting a health professional is a must. The function of ears is to collect sounds, process them, and then send sound signals to the brain. Our ears keep us balanced too.
According to Helen Chin Lui the famous reflexologist “in each of the ear there is a complete reflex map of the body, containing nerve endings and multiple connectors to the CNS(central nervous system).” She describes an unusual method to boost the health, handle a variety of issues, and to get early relief. This technique is about placing clothespins on different parts of the ear.
Just gently press your ear lobes and pull them towards down. For many times you need to trace the external edges of your ears.
While you touch your ears, the rest of your body must also be paid attention. As you squeeze your air notice if any pain is felt. Keep on applying pressure for the next five seconds per spot and practice this five times
Another technique used is a clothespin. On all of the six pressure points on the outer ear, this technique is applied. For every pressure, point keeps applying for five seconds. By applying pressure on the ear lobe you ease headaches. This technique helps getting relief from back and shoulder issues as well as stomach and sinuses issues.
The 6 spots present on ears are connected to different regions and body organs. So various health issues can be solved by stimulating these spots.
Here are the details:
1: The Upper Part Of The Ear
2: The Top Of the Ear’s Curve
3: The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear
4: The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear
5: Just Above the Earlobe
6: The Earlobe
1: The Upper Part Of The Ear:
This part is connected to the shoulders and back, hence applying pressure on this part daily for a minute will decrease the tension in these areas.
2: The Top Of the Ear’s Curve:
In order to treat internal anxiety and ache place a clothespin on this point as this point is connected to internal organs.
3: The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear
This part is linked to joints and thus when this part has pressed the pain and the toughness in joints is relaxed.
4: The Lower-Middle Part of the Ear
When pressure is applied to this part, it will help in relieving sinusitis or the sore throat, help you sleep easily.
5: Just Above the Earlobe
Applying pressure on this part will help you getting relief from stomach pain and enhance digestion and prevent other related issues because this part is related to the digestive system.
6: The Earlobe
This part is related to the heart and head thus helps in soothing head pain, migraine, and assists heart health.
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